Arts Are The Heart
of the Community
use the drop down main menu link, above, to see pics of several events
The FAC is planning more than 12 Projects in 2024!
Sign up for our FREE Newsletter above, watch for announcements on this website and our Facebook & Instagram pages, (links at top right of this page) for details on each project.
And consider answering our calls for volunteers.
Project & Events we are planning for 2024:
Art exhibit at the Fenton Village Players Playhouse February 16 - 25
Fenton Expo, at Fenton High School March 2 - 3
"Spring Expressions Arts Festival" at the Fenton Community & Cultural Center, May 11
Creative Aging - workshops at local senior citizen facilities, several times through the year
Free art creation station at the Fenton Farmer's Markets, May 23, June 13 and July 11
Creation Station at the Fenton Freedom Festival at the Fenton Community Center, July 4
FAC Field Trip to the glass blowing Hot Shop at FIA, for a live demo, plus docent-led museum tour and glass studio experience! July 12.
Fine Art Exhibits, dates and locations TBD
FAC Group Exhibit booth at the Fenton Art Walk, July 27, and a Creation Station booth.
Back to School Bash, August 3, location TBD
Photo contest/exhibit, October
Fenton Jinglefest, December 7, downtown Fenton
Support chapters of the National Art Honor Society at Fenton, Lake Fenton & Linden HS, throughout the year.