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Are you interested in getting involved with the Fenton Arts Council? There are several ways in which you can do so and support the arts in your community.

Support local arts through a membership with the Fenton Arts Council. Yearly memberships are available in both individual and family plans. Click here to join online, to become a member.


As the Fenton Arts Council holds numerous events and activities which we would not be able to accomplish without the hard work of our generous volunteers. 
Click HERE for a list of this year's projects & events.  We will send out requests for each one a week or two before the event.  If you are not on our mailing list for Volunteeer opportunities and our Arts Newsletter, signup HERE.


Of course, you can always make a donation to the Fenton Arts Council at any time, for any reason of your choosing. Your donation will help engage the Fenton area with the arts by funding current and future events. As the Fenton Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) all-volunteer non-profit, you can deduct this donation from your taxes. All donations of $50 or more, will earn you status as a Fenton Arts Council Patron of the Arts, and include a free 1 year membership.  Thank You!

Click here to donate.

Please read the letter directly below.


Who we are and what we do

The Fenton Arts Council is a non-profit organization consisting of volunteers from Fenton and surrounding areas. We are a diverse group of community people gathered for the cultural enrichment of our community. We build community awareness for all forms of Art and Culture. We do this by providing family events that build awareness of the arts.


Thank You for Your Support!

Join these fine businesses and community
members in supporting the efforts of the
Fenton Arts Council, by clicking on the
"Patrons of the Arts" image.

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